There are four dimensions of living beings. Such beings are agents, goal
seekers, self-replicators and fourthly, they are semiotically driven (their
existence depends on the interplay between codes and chemistry). Each and every
living being acts or is capable of action. And each such being is the unified
source and center of all its actions. Since these agents are capable of
surviving and acting independently, their actions are in some fashion driven by
goals (nourishment), and they can reproduce themselves; they are therefore
goal-seeking, self-replicating autonomous agents. Moreover, as Howard H. Pattee
points out, you find in living beings the interaction of semiotic processes
(rules, codes, languages, information, control) and physical systems (laws,
dynamics, energy, forces, matter).
Of the books (by new atheists)
under study here (in Appendix A of There
is a God), only Dawkins’s addresses the question of the origin of life.
Wolpert is quite candid on the state of the field: “This is not to say that all
the scientific questions relating to evolution have been solved. On the contrary,
the origin of life itself, the evolution of the miraculous cell from which all
living things evolved, is still poorly understood.” Dennett in previous works
has simply taken it for granted that some materialist account must be right.
Unfortunately, on even the
physico-chemical level, Dawkins’s approach is manifestly inadequate or worse.
“But how does life get started?” he asks. “The origin of life was the chemical
event, or series of events, whereby the vital conditions for natural selection
first came about . . . . Once the vital ingredient—some kind of genetic
molecule—is in place, true Darwinian natural selection can follow.” How did
this happen? “Scientists invoke the magic of large numbers. The beauty of the
anthropic principle is that it tells us, against all intuition, that a chemical
model need only predict that life will arise on one planet in a billion billion
to give us a good and entirely satisfying explanation for the presence of life
here.” Given this type of reasoning, which is better described as an audacious
exercise in superstition, anything we desire should exist somewhere if we just
“invoke the magic of large numbers.” Unicorns or the elixir of youth, even if
“staggeringly improbable,” are bound to occur “against all intuition.” The only
requirement is “a chemical model” that “need only predict” these occurring “on
one planet in a billion billion.”
Atheists often accuse believers
of invoking the power of the God-of-the-Gaps to save them from the unknown. How
did life arise? God did it. How do we have consciousness? God did it. How does
there exist some sense of morality? God did it. Of course to simply say this
and leave it at that is absurd and yet atheists use the same argument but instead
of invoking God they call upon the magic of large numbers. How did life arise?
Naturally, but it took billions of years. How do we have consciousness?
Through natural processes, but it took millions of years. How does there exist some sense of
morality? It evolved in us, it just needed millions of years. For atheists, who
love to rely on the power of scientific observation, these claims can be described as extremely unscientific.
Science is all about observation
and experimentation and yet with regards to origins (of life with regards to
this post anyway) many take natural process over intelligence despite a
complete lack of evidence. In fact, life has only ever been demonstrated or
observed to come from pre-existing life and yet despite this observed
requirement we seem to be able to overlook it by invoking the magic of large
numbers. Can life arise naturally without a pre-existing form of life? Yes, it
only needs x amount of years. Is this really the best answer?