When studying the New Testament
as a historical document, that is, when not looking at it as a book of faith
but merely a 1st century collection of writings, New Testament historians
disagree about some things concerning the life, death and resurrection of
Jesus. Some of these disagreements are because of philosophical bias’ one
direction or the other. For instance, if a person studies history with a
naturalistic worldview which a priori (i.e. before the facts) dismisses any
possibility of the supernatural, then they will never conclude from historical
investigation that a miracle has occurred because they have decided
ahead of time that miracles don’t happen. On the other hand theists can be
biased too and may be quick to believe reports of miracles because their
worldview allows and even expects them to occur.
Even so, despite the personal
bias’ of every individual, there are some things that New Testament Historians
almost universally agree upon when it comes to the death and resurrection
accounts of Jesus. Here are a handful of the most widely accepted facts that
scholars from KJV Only Fundamentalists to Atheist/Agnostic scholars agree upon.
These historical facts can be explored further in the book The Case for the
Resurrection of Jesus by Mike Licona and Gary Habermas. My intention in posting
is only to present some of the common theories regarding the resurrection.
There are more theories and I could go much more in-depth in each one of the
following but I will try and keep it brief and just lay out a few points
regarding each theory in conjunction with what historians and scholars have
come to regard as facts.
1. Jesus of Nazareth was
crucified and died somewhere between 30-33 A.D.
2. The tomb where Jesus was
buried was found empty.
3. Jesus’ disciples genuinely
believed that they saw Jesus risen from the dead.
4. Saul of Tarsus (later known
as the apostle Paul) was an enemy of the church but became one of its biggest
promoters after seeing what he believed was the risen Jesus.
5. James, the half-brother of
Jesus, was a skeptic during Jesus’ 3 years of ministry but became a leader in
the Jerusalem church.
6. The disciples went from
fearful for their lives to boldly proclaiming Jesus’ resurrection even under
pang of death.
There are other facts that I
could mention but these will be sufficient for my point. When historians are
investigating the past and trying to ascertain what really did and didn’t occur
they start with determining the facts they can know with a high probability of
certainty and then they put forth scenarios which account for the known facts.
A good theory is one that accounts for all of the facts without forcing any of
them to fit and is not ad hoc, that is, the theory is plausible given what we
know. An ad hoc position is one that may fit all the facts but it leaves a
person scratching their head as to why we ought to think that this is actually
what happened.
When we say a theory is
plausible, for example, if you come across a tree that has fallen in the woods,
and the tree and area around it are all scorched, what might you conclude? You
could conclude that an alien spaceship crashed, knocking over the tree and when
it exploded it burned the tree and the surrounding area. This theory would fit
with all of the facts and doesn’t force any of them, but it does seem less
plausible than another theory, namely, that the tree was struck by lightning,
caught fire and fell over. Given that both theories make sense of the facts at
hand, they are both at least possible, but the evidence and our wider experience
it is more likely the latter theory which is true since we know that trees are
struck by lightning all the time but there is no documented proof of aliens
space ships.
So, when it comes to the facts
that historians agree upon concerning the events of Jesus supposed death and
resurrection, the question is this “What theory best explains all of the
facts?” The following is a list of some of the more popular theories put forth
to explain the historical facts regarding the resurrection of Jesus. Licona and
Habermas go into more detail regarding these theories and more. This is not a
comprehensive list but from my readings these seem to be the most popular
theories. I fully admit that there may be a better explanation for the facts
that is still unknown to us at this time. Nevertheless, here are a few:
1. The “Swoon” Theory
This theory suggests that
perhaps Jesus didn’t really die at all. Perhaps after Jesus was beaten so
severely and hung upon the cross for a number of hours his pulse and
respiration became so low as to be undetectable and he was presumed dead. After
he was taken off the cross his body was prepared for burial with spices and
wrapped and he was laid in the tomb. After being in the
tomb unconscious for a few days perhaps the coolness of the tomb and
having some rest revived Jesus. Jesus then walked into town and appeared to his
disciples who believed him to have risen from the dead.
Well, how does this do when
compared against our facts? Right off the bat it fails in that it denies fact
#1, that Jesus was crucified and DIED on the cross. Scholars are
convinced that Jesus actually died for good reason. Josephus reports that 3 of
his friends were being crucified and per his request they were removed from the
crosses and given the best medical care available and yet 2 of them died
anyway. The cross was a brutal torturous way to kill people and it was good for
what it was designed, namely, providing painful and sure death. Nothing
indicates that Jesus was taken down before the job was done, nor was he given
medical attention. Jesus was taken down because the roman soldiers charged with
assuring the death of those being crucified was certain he was dead.
Furthermore, does this really
pass the test on fact #3 that Jesus’ disciples believed they saw him risen from
the dead? Imagine, were this theory true, what Jesus would have looked like. As
he staggered into town and made it to where the disciples were, when they saw
him would they say to themselves “Look, the risen Lord!” or would they have
said “Oh my goodness, quick get a doctor, Jesus barely survived a crucifixion!”
A broken, doubled over in horrendous pain, not sure if he’s going to
pull through this, Jesus, is not exactly the portrait the disciples painted.
Such a happening would hardly explain the disciples going from fearful for
their life to boldly proclaiming a risen and glorious Jesus who holds the keys
of life.
2. The “Twin” Theory
This theory states that Jesus
really did die on the cross, but Jesus’ secret twin brother took his place afterwards.
This is a conspiracy theory on the grandest scale, is it not? Depending on how
this supposedly played out there are some major questions and problems here.
One question is this, how wide is this conspiracy? If it’s a familial
conspiracy, that is, if only Jesus, his twin brother, his mother and brothers
and sisters knew the plan, then they would have had to fool the disciples. But
imagine getting to know a person intimately for 3 years and then replacing that
person with a look-alike. The likelihood that the disciples would buy that he
was the resurrected Jesus seems low.
Furthermore, how would Jesus’
twin be unknown to everyone? This conspiracy would have had to been born at the
same time Jesus and his brother were. The twin would have had to have been
hidden away so that no one knew of him from the get go. And then comes the
question of “why?” Why would anyone want to pull off this scheme? It got Jesus
killed who apparently volunteered to die for the sake of this plan, and it got
many other people killed as well. It gave no one riches, the twin didn’t get to
lead anyone since he disappeared after 40 days so it wasn’t about glory. This
theory just doesn’t make sense and it is very ad hoc and leaves us with way
more questions than it does answers. It also fails fact #2 that the tomb was
found empty. What became of the body of Jesus when his brother took over?
3. The “Wrong Tomb” Theory
This theory suggests that the
disciples went to the wrong tomb and found it empty and mistook it for Jesus
having been raised from the dead. This theory fails facts #3 #4 #5 and #6
because it accounts for none of the appearances that the disciples believed
they saw, nor Saul’s conversion, nor the conversion of James and is hardly fuel
for the proclamation of Jesus’ resurrection unto death by martyrdom. If all
that happened was they found an empty tomb that they mistakenly thought was
Jesus’ this would hardly lead to the conclusion that he was risen from the dead
but rather a lot of confusion as to what happened to Jesus’ body. It would not
have provided that transformative charge needed to propel the message
of the resurrection.
4. The “Hallucination” Theory
This is probably the most
common theory expressed today by scholarly circles that reject bodily
resurrection of Jesus (such as Richard Carrier and John Dominic Crossan). This
theory states that Jesus really died on the cross and was buried but the
grieving disciples experienced a hallucination of the risen Jesus that they
genuinely believed to be him and this is what changed their behavior and caused
them to preach their message even unto death. This view has better explanatory
power than some of the other theories do however it still fails on several
This view still doesn’t
adequately explain the empty tomb, where did the body go? Furthermore it
doesn’t explain why Paul would have hallucinated seeing Jesus because he was
not grieving his loss, rather, he was quite pleased that they killed that
heretic and was going about the business of suppressing his followers. The
biggest problem yet, however, is that hallucinations rarely occur (if at all)
in large groups. Even in cases where a group of people hallucinate because of
the use of drugs, they do not hallucinate the same thing. Just as people
sleeping next to one another don’t share dreams, neither do people share
hallucinations, they are personal experiences in the minds of individuals.
Groups of people have hallucinated together things like UFOs or the sun
swirling around in the sky but the accounts from the differing individuals are
not always the same. Yes the group hallucinated a UFO but to some it was silver
and to some it was black, to some it flew straight up into the sky and to
others it slowly made it’s way across the sky until it was out of view. With
Jesus though the appearances were all the same. A bodily resurrected Jesus who
communed with many people at once including all 11 disciples. Not one disciple
recanted that he had witnessed Jesus alive again. The earliest accounts of
Jesus’ resurrection state that he was seen by individuals, small groups, as
many as 500 at once and all at different times and places. Another problem that
Biblical scholar NT Wright points out is that all these sightings of Jesus were
clearly described as bodily sightings and not visions, manifestations, or ghost
like apparitions. So the hallucination theory also fails to meet all the facts
and it runs into some very real problems practically speaking.
5. The “Spiritual Resurrection”
In this theory Jesus is said to
have risen from the dead spiritually and now lives in the hearts of believers
but he was not raised bodily. This view fails all but our 1st of the 6 facts.
This theory, a favorite of Liberal theologians, doesn’t answer why the tomb was
found empty, nor does it adequately explain the fact that the disciples, the
half-brother of Jesus and an enemy of Jesus all claimed to have seen Jesus
risen from the dead in a physical body. What caused the fearful disciples to
lose their fear and go boldly preaching until they were dragged through the
streets, ran through with swords, thrown off buildings and crucified
themselves? Was it just that they believed that Jesus was living in their
hearts now that he died and the spirit of his message now was in their heart?
Again, this is contrary to the facts we have, it is not the best explanation of
the data we have.
6. The “God Raised Jesus from
the Dead” Theory
In this view Jesus really died
on the cross and on the third day God raised Jesus from the dead. This makes
sense out of all of the given facts, it is not forced and it is not ad hoc,
that is, given the context this theory makes a lot more sense than all of the
other proposed theories do. Jesus had preached for three years prior to his
death and had predicted that the Messiah must suffer and die and that God would
raise him from the dead. Given that Jesus predicted his own death and
resurrection, and given the facts that we know, this theory is the best theory
we have. Jesus rose from the dead and was seen by many eye-witnesses both friend
and foe, believer and unbeliever. It radically changed the disciples and Saul
of Tarsus and James his doubting half-brother.
While it is true that this view
assumes that God exists, this is not a non-evidenced assumption. There are many
good arguments and evidences for God’s existence (e.g. Cosmological Argument, Fine-Tuning,
Life from non-life, The existence of consciousness, etc.) and, in fact, since
Jesus said that God exists and would raise him from the dead, his resurrection
is itself a powerful argument for God’s existence.
So then, from the perspective
of historical inquiry and investigation, the bodily resurrection of Jesus does
seem to be the best explanation given all of the accepted historical facts provided you allow for the possibility that God does exist.