Here is an
interesting article I picked up from a website called Thinking Christian. It’s
an interesting read on how preconceived world-views can shape our beliefs so
here it is:
Late in 2008 Discover Magazine published an article that contains
one of the clearest reasons any scientist has ever stated for favoring
multiverse theory. I encourage you to follow this through to the end for the
key statement, and then ask yourself: is he reasoning from science or from
Discover Magazine tackled the fine-tuning problem in a December
2008 article titled “A Universe Built For Us.” You might enjoy reading it to
discover what they’ve wrapped around this enticing introductory material:
Physicists don’t like coincidences. They like even less
the notion that life is somehow central to the universe, and yet recent
discoveries are forcing them to confront that very idea. Life, it seems, is not
an incidental component of the universe, burped up out of a random chemical
brew on a lonely planet…. In some strange sense, it appears that we are not
adapted to the universe; the universe is adapted to us.
Call it a fluke, a mystery, a miracle. Or call it the
biggest problem in physics. Short of invoking a benevolent creator, many
physicists see only one possible explanation: Our universe may be but one of
perhaps infinitely many universes in an inconceivably vast multiverse.
That’s remarkably well stated. It
highlights how some physicists want to run as fast as they can from the idea of
God, the possibility that “life is somehow central to the universe.”
And so, says the article, work is
proceeding in the area of string theory to try to provide evidence for the vast
multiverse. Discover is refreshingly honest about the current status of
the work: “evidence … is still lacking;” “Linde’s ideas may make the
notion of a multiverse more plausible;” “still very much a work in progress.”
This I find disingenuous, however:
When I ask Linde whether physicists will ever be able to
prove that the multiverse is real, he has a simple answer. “Nothing else fits
the data… we don’t have any alternative explanations…”
There is an alternative explanation,
one that can only be ruled out if you “like even less the notion that life is
central to the universe.” The article makes a nod toward that other
explanation, referring to John Polkinghorne’s objection to the multiverse.
(Polkinghorne is an Anglican priest and philosopher, a theist. He was also at
one time a theoretical particle physicist at Cambridge.) He says that the
multiverse “can explain anything . . . If a theory allows anything to be
possible, it explains nothing; a theory of anything is not the same as a theory
of everything.”
Discover does not actually explain why that is a problem, but I suspect
Polkinghorne was referring to a point that I have also made. It renders the multiverse theory
trivial—or at least the infinite universes version of the theory does.
Discover also quotes Nobel laureate Steven Weinberg, an atheist, on the
matter of God.
“I don’t think that the multiverse idea destroys the
possibility of an intelligent, benevolent creator. . . What it does is remove
one of the arguments for it.”
Interesting how that works; and quite
a nice example of circular argumentation:
Evidence for the multiverse is
completely lacking right now; its theoretical foundations are “still very much
a work in progress,”
But “nothing else fits the data.”
Nothing else fits the data, that is,
for those who dislike the theistic conception “that life is somehow central to
the universe.”
Having excluded that possibility, we
infer a multiverse instead, and…
What the multiverse does is remove
one of the arguments for a creator.
It seems a waste of energy for
Weinberg to think of removing arguments for a creator, since the whole thing
seems rather handily to have assumed him right out of existence.
The psychology, the motivation for it
all could hardly be clearer than it is in this from cosmologist Bernard Carr,
quoted in the same Discover article: “If you don’t want God, you’d
better have a multiverse.”
“Don’t want God.” Indeed.
The multiverse isn’t a conclusion arrived at by doing
pure science. It’s a destination reached by running away from God.
Here's the link to the original article there are a lot of comments on it and I would recommend scrolling through them and checking out the conversation:
Thinking Christian
Here's the link to the original article there are a lot of comments on it and I would recommend scrolling through them and checking out the conversation:
Thinking Christian